Scott Butler

About Me

Hey, I'm Scott, a senior software developer based in Melbourne. Check out my LinkedIn.



Based on the Mastermind board game, I built this initially as a code kata exercise, using TDD as a guide. However, a console app isn't very exciting for what is quite a visual game!

I decided to give Blazor a try as it combines .NET and UI, two things I really enjoy. Once I'd built an initial proof of concept, I then discovered that Blazor WebAssembly projects can actually be hosted as a static site which allowed me to try out GitHub Actions to deploy it to GitHub Pages.

Tech: C#, Blazor WebAssembly, GitHub Actions, CSS and HTML with the Bootstrap grid system for the layout

Domain Property Search

This site uses the Domain property API to display properties matching the specified search criteria. I built this for two reasons:
  1. To learn React - It's always helpful to have an actual problem to solve when learing new languages and frameworks
  2. To add more search filters - I wanted to be able to search for properties that were within a certain distance of a train station
Tech: React, Bootstrap utility classes and the Bootstrap grid system for the layout

Note: This requires the use of API keys for the Domain API which are limited in their daily usage quota. As such I have not linked them here.
Instead, the site will return demo data. If you have your own API key, you can supply it using the
query string parameter.

PTV API Platform View

This site uses the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) API to simulate what you might see on the passenger information screens at train stations in the Melbourne CBD.

Tech: Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, HTML and AJAX with the Bootstrap grid system for the layout

Note: This requires credentials for the PTV API which are subject to terms of use. As such I have not linked them here.
Instead, the site will return demo data. If you have your own credentials, you can supply them using the
(developer id) and
(secret) query string parameters.